Oracle applications e business suite architecture

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To report a lab issue follow the instructions below:

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To report your "Other" issue follow the instructions below:

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Direct link to your question in the community

Use the direct link to your question(s) posted in the Oracle University community to view answers or recommendations from experts and members.

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Check your email within a few days for the response to your inquiry.

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Click Here to Open Assessment in New Tab.

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Please follow the two steps below to schedule and access your lab. You can click each section title to view each full step.

Facing a Technical Issue? Open a support ticket. You will receive a response within one hour.

Please navigate to to test your system and ensure it is properly configured to participate in the lab.

Schedule Your Lab

Your schedule request on has been approved. Please check back 12 hours before the lab starts to get your username/password. has been approved. To get your Username/Password to access the Lab Environment, check back at 9:00am local time on the day your lab is scheduled.

Your lab is scheduled on . Please check back 12 hours before the lab starts to get your username/password. has been approved. To get your Username/Password to access the Lab Environment, check back at 9:00am local time on the day your lab is scheduled.

Your lab is scheduled on . Please check back 12 hours before the lab starts to get your username/password. has been approved. To get your Username/Password to access the Lab Environment, check back at 9:00am local time on the day your lab is scheduled.

Your schedule request for has been rejected, please contact Oracle Support for further steps. Your lab requested for is being processed.

Your lab requested for it's being processed. Please check back 12 ours before the lab starts to get your username/password.

Your lab requested for has been rejected, please choose another week.

Your lab requested for has been approved. Please check back 12 hours before the lab starts to get your username/password.

You MUST schedule your lab in order to get lab time. Lab reservations for next week close Thursday of this week. Use the calendar to place your lab request. Click an open week of a month you would like to request for your lab time. You can select only one week, up to three months out from your course purchase. Some weeks may be unavailable and can not be selected.
All lab usage is subject to Oracle's Terms of Use and are provided solely for the purpose of performing the activities in the Lab guide. By requesting this lab, you are hereby agreeing to abide by the Terms and Conditions.