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Get excited. the next time you log in it will be with our new upgraded login experience using your email! Take a look at the screenshot below for a sneak peek.
You will now be directed to the enrollment form. For your security you will be logged out of your account as you enroll this new member.
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Save 25% when you purchase a Wholesale Membership DetailsdoTERRA offers product through a yearly wholesale membership. For a membership fee of ₱ 1500*, a Wholesale Customer or Wellness Advocate will receive the following benefits:
*After becoming a Wholesale Member, the yearly renewal fee for a wholesale membership is ₱ 1000. This renewal fee comes with a free bottle of Peppermint, one of the most popular oils doTERRA offers, a retail value of ₱ 1,900. If you would like to learn more about becoming a Wholesale Member or the benefits listed above, click here to tell us how to reach you. We are happy to contact you as soon as possible to answer any questions you may have.