Creating Your Homeschool Report Card

Whether you are new to homeschooling or an old pro, you may be thinking about report cards. What purpose do they serve homeschoolers? Does your child need one? How do you make one? We’re here to help! Let’s take a minute to talk about report cards and why and how we use them.

The Purpose of a Report Card

The main purpose of schools creating report cards is to let parents know how their children are progressing in their studies. Since you already know that, as you are their teacher, do you even need to make a homeschool report card? The short answer is no.

Unless your child is in high school, they do not even need recorded grades, and some parents choose to opt out of the report-card-making process. Depending on your homeschooling method, you may not want to make grades front and center for your child’s education. Some parents have negative feelings associated with report cards from their past and don’t want to pass those along to a child who may be similarly struggling. If you’d rather not have homeschool report cards, you don’t have to do it.

Many parents do choose to create and keep homeschool report cards even though they aren’t a homeschool requirement for the benefits they provide. Whichever route you take, just do what’s right for your family. See? No panic necessary!

The Benefits of a Homeschool Report Card

So what are some benefits of having a homeschool report card for your child?

What a Typical Homeschool Report Card Could Look Like

If you choose to create a homeschool report card, it should include the following sections and information:

Report Card for Homeschool

If you’ve decided you want to make and keep homeschool report cards for your homeschool student, we have this free report card template you can download, print, and begin using today!

Naomi White

Naomi White graduated with her B.S. in Christian Elementary Education and went on to earn her Early Childhood Education certification. She has taught preschool and elementary school in both Christian and public schools. She loves to read and write, is a pastor’s wife and stay-at-home mom, and is eagerly awaiting the day her son is old enough for them to start their own homeschool journey. Originally a Georgia girl, Naomi currently lives in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina with her family.

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