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The Ultimate Guide To Child Custody Laws in Florida.

The Ultimate Guide To Child Custody Laws in Florida. A husband and wife with their kid.

If you are a parent in Florida, you need to be aware of the child custody laws in the state. It’s a complex area of law, and there are many things to consider when making decisions about child custody. In this article, we will provide an overview of the child custody laws in Florida and offer some tips on protecting your rights as a parent.

The first thing you need to know about child custody in Florida is that there are two types of custody: physical and legal. Physical custody means that the child will live with one parent most of the time. The other parent will have visitation rights, which means they can spend time with the child regularly.

Legal custody, on the other hand, refers to who has the right to make decisions about the child’s upbringing. This includes decisions about education, medical care, and religious upbringing. In most cases, both parents will have joint legal custody, which means they will both have a say in these crucial decisions.

Having the “Big” talk with your child.

The Ultimate Guide To Child Custody Laws in Florida. A wife and husband with their daughter

Being caught in the middle of their parent’s divorce is not an uncommon experience for children. They may feel pulled between having loyalty to each parent and worrying about how the divorce will change their lives.

In divorce proceedings, many counties have a mandatory “Children First In Divorce” parenting class that will help you explain to them that although you and your spouse are getting a divorce, you both still love them very much. Reassure them that they will still be able to see both parents and that the divorce is not their fault. It is also essential to explain to them what child custody arrangements have been made, so they know who they will be living with and when they will see the other parent. However, be certain as to not pull the children into the litigation process.

If you have questions about child custody in Florida or need help making custody arrangements, you should speak to a lawyer. A lawyer can answer your questions and help you understand your rights as a parent. They can also assist you in negotiating a child custody arrangement.

How is custody determined in Florida?

The court will always decide about custody based on what is in the child’s best interests. When making this determination, the court will consider several factors, including:

– Each parent’s ability to foster a relationship with the child and other parent.

– Maintaining stability for the child

– Division of Parental Responsibilities

– The child’s adjustment to their home, school, and community

– The mental and physical health of each parent

– Each parent’s ability to care for the child

– Any evidence of substance abuse, domestic violence or child abuse

The opinion of the Guardian ad Litem may also be considered in making a decision about custody.

What is the Guardian ad Litem?

In some custody cases, the court may appoint a guardian ad litem (GAL) to represent the child’s best interests. The GAL is a trained professional who will investigate the family situation and make recommendations to the court about what they believe is in the child’s best interest. The GAL may interview the child, the parents, and other people close to the family. The GAL may also review school records, medical records, and other relevant information.

The GAL is not an advocate for either parent and is not there to help the parents reach a custody agreement. The GAL’s sole purpose is to advocate for what they believe is in the child’s best interest.

Considerations for the child’s preferences.

In some cases, the court may also consider the child’s preferences. This is most likely to happen if the child is over 12. The court will usually give more weight to the preferences of an older child than a younger one. If a parent requests their child’s testimony on custody, the parents must first prove to the court that the child is of sufficient age and maturity to make an informed decision. The court may also request a GAL to be appointed instead of allowing the child to testify.

According to the Florida family law rule of procedure, the court must interview the child in chambers, away from both parents, to discuss their custodial preferences.

If you are involved in a custody dispute, it is crucial to understand that the court will not automatically grant custody to the mother or the father. Instead, the court will decide what is best for the child. The court will reach a parenting plan on custody that is in the child’s best interest.

What is a parenting plan in Florida?

A parenting plan is a document that outlines how the parents will share custody of their child. The parenting plan will address issues such as:

– Which parent will the child live with most of the time

– How much time will the child spend with each parent

– How decisions will be made about the child’s upbringing

– How the parents will communicate with each other about the child

– Responsibility for health care, school issues, and extracurricular activities.

– Holidays and vacation time and more

The court will create the parenting plan, or it can be created by the parents themselves if they can reach an agreement. If the parents cannot agree on a parenting plan, the court will create one for them. The parenting plan is a flexible document, as it can be modified as the needs of the child or the parents change over time, but only by written agreement of the parents or by the court.

How can a parenting plan be enforced in Florida?

Family law courts may impose many kinds of penalties when it applies to parenting plans in Florida. Some penalties are usually applied to parents for missed family visits.

If either parent violates the terms of the parenting plan, they can be held in contempt of court. This means that they can be fined or even sent to jail. In some cases, the court may modify the parenting plan if one parent is not following it. The penalty will be more severe if the denial of the other parent’s timesharing in willful disregard, rather than by error or misunderstanding.

How often can the Parenting plan be modified?

The parenting plan can be modified at any time, but it is important to note that the court will only modify the parenting plan if there is a significant change in circumstances. A significant change in circumstances could be something like this:

– One of the parents gets a new job that requires them to travel frequently

– One of the parents gets a new job that requires them to work unusual hours

– One of the parents gets married or divorced

– One of the parents moves to a new city or state

– The child’s needs change as they get older

If you want to change the terms of your parenting plan, you must first file a petition with the court. The other parent will be made aware of the petition and given a chance to respond. After that, there will be a hearing where the court decides whether or not to modify the parenting plan.

What are the factors that can ruin a parent’s custody hearing?

A few different factors can negatively impact a parent’s custody hearing. These include:

– Having a history of violence or abuse

– Having a history of substance abuse

– Having a criminal record

– Refusing to follow the court’s orders

– Making false allegations against the other parent in an attempt to gain custody

If a parent has any of these factors in their history, it is crucial to speak with an experienced family law attorney. An attorney can help you understand how these factors may impact your custody case and how you can improve your chances of obtaining custody.

Where should a custody case be filed?

The custody case should generally be filed in the county where the child resides. This is governed by the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, or UCCJEA.

What are the steps in a custody case?

The Ultimate Guide To Child Custody Laws in Florida. Steps in child custody case 1. file petition 2. discovery process 3. Mediation.

The first step in a custody case is to file a petition with the court, asking them to make decisions about timesharing and parental responsibility. The other parent will be informed of the petition and allowed to respond before things move forward.

The second step involves discovery. This ensures that both parents are aware of the work and financial status of the other parent. This is mandatory under Florida Statute 12.285.

The third step involves mediation. This is where both parents sit down with a neutral third party to try and resolve the issues themselves. If the parents reach an agreement, the mediator will draft the parenting plan, and forward it to the courts for the judge’s approval. Even if you think mediation will not be helpful, it is mandatory prior to receiving a final hearing from the judge.

If there is no agreement in mediation, you will have a trial. This gives both parents time to present their proposed parenting plans to the judge, who may also ask questions of the witnesses present.

After reviewing all the evidence and hearing testimony, the next step is for the judge to decide on custody and visitation. A written order from the judge detailing the custodial arrangement will follow.

What are the rights of parents in Florida?

The rights for fathers in Florida are the same as those for mothers. There is no preference given to either parent. The court will give significant timesharing and shared parental responsibility to each parent unless there is a finding that it is not in the child’s best interest. If you have a unique situation, ensure you get an experienced child custody lawyer involved in your case.

What is shared parental responsibility?

Shared parental responsibility is when both parents have a say in raising the child. This includes decisions about education, healthcare, and extracurricular activities. Both parents will need to communicate with each other and make decisions together.

What is sole parental responsibility?

If the court finds that it would be detrimental to the child for one of the parents to be involved in the decision-making process, they may give one parent sole parental responsibility. Sole parental responsibility is when one parent has all the decision-making power for the child. This includes decisions about education, healthcare, and extracurricular activities. The other parent will still have timesharing, but will not have a say in how the child is raised.

What are the Florida statutes regarding the support of children?

The Florida statute regarding the Support of children is 61.30. This statute dictates both ongoing and retroactive child support. In making a determination of child support the court will take both parent’s income into account, as well as the number of overnights that each parent spends with the child

The court may also award retroactive child support. Retroactive child support is child support that one parent is ordered by the court to pay for a time prior to the entry of the court’s order. Retroactive child support may be awarded for 2 years prior to the date of filing. This does not have to be paid all at once, the court generally adds it as a small addition to the ongoing payments each month until it is paid in full.

Retroactive Child Support vs. Arrears

There is often confusion between retroactive child support and arrears. Retroactive child support is an amount of child support ordered by the court for a period before the child support order was issued. Arrears is missed child support payments after the court issued an order requiring child support.

What are the factors considered before awarding alimony?

In Florida, before you can be awarded alimony, the court must make a determination that one party has a need for alimony and that the other party has the ability to pay.

If that has been established then the court will look into factors, which include, but are not limited to:

  1. The standard of living established during the marriage.
  2. The duration of the marriage.
  3. The age and the physical and emotional condition of each party.
  4. The financial resources of each party, including the nonmarital and the marital assets and liabilities distributed to each.
  5. The earning capacities, educational levels, vocational skills, and employability of the parties and, when applicable, the time necessary for either party to acquire sufficient education or training to enable such party to find appropriate employment.
  6. The contribution of each party to the marriage, including, but not limited to, services rendered in homemaking, child care, education, and career building of the other party.
  7. The responsibilities each party will have with regard to any minor children they have in common.
  8. The tax treatment and consequences to both parties of any alimony award, including the designation of all or a portion of the payment as a nontaxable, nondeductible payment.
  9. All sources of income available to either party, including income available to either party through investments of any asset held by that party.

Frequently asked questions about Child custody laws in Florida.

How is child custody determined in Florida?

In Florida, child custody is determined by the court based on the best interests of the child. The court will consider factors such as the parent’s ability to co-parent, the child’s relationship with each parent, and each parent’s home environment.

Can a parent get sole custody of a child in Florida?

No, a parent cannot get sole custody of a child in Florida. However, the court may only allow supervised timesharing by a parent if that parent is found to be a danger to the child.

Can a parent get joint custody of a child in Florida?

Yes, a parent can get joint custody of a child in Florida. The court will consider the child’s best interests when making a custody determination.